Monday, May 4, 2009

Avalon Hearts


* Tube of choice - I have used Molly Harrison's art work which you can purchase at CILM

* Gold pattern tile (right click and save to your own computer)

* Heart Things font Here and another font of choice

* Super Blade Pro (can substitute PSP Inner Bevel or Eye Candy Glass

* Xero Tekstya filter (can substitute PSP Blinds effect) Here

* Paint Shop Pro and Animation Shop (or similar). This tag was made in PSPX but should be able to be made in any version.


Set up your supplies ready for use ie you want your gold pattern on the materials palette, install any fonts or plug-ins and restart PSP if necessary. Have your tube open in PSP.

Open a new image 600 x 435. Choose two complimentary colours from your tube. I used #9d596b (dark) and #c8abbc (light). Change your material palette to gradient and select the foreground-background gradient. Change the style to sunburst. Make sure the lighter colour is at the centre of your gradient and floodfill your canvas.

Apply Xero Tekstya to your gradient layer at the following settings (you may substitute PSP Blinds Effect applied twice, once with horizontal checked). Tone = 0; Density, Depth and Highlights = 127; Sparsity = 2.

Select your text tool and open the Heart Things font. Using the gold pattern tile as the foreground and with no background, type the letter S with a stroke width of 5 and size 300.

Stretch the vector out and position to the right of your canvas, using the above tag as an example. When you are satisfied with the size and position, convert to raster, select all, float and defloat. While still selected, apply Super Blade Pro with a clear glass or coconut ice preset (may substitute Eye Candy Glass or PSP inner bevel). Duplicate and rename the layers frame 1 and frame 2.

Open a new raster layer under each frame layer. Rename the layers colour 1 and colour 2.

Change the materials palette to colours and put your original colours back on the palette. Activate the frame 1 layer and using your magic wand, select the large heart in the middle and alternate hearts around the outside. Selection modify and expand by 2. Activate the colour 1 layer (under frame 1 layer) and floodfill the selected areas with one of your colours. Keep selected and activate colour 2 and floodfill the selected sections with the other colour. Select none.

Your layer palette should look something like this -

Activate the frame 1 layer again and using your magic wand select the hearts that have not yet been coloured. Selection modify and expand by 2. Floodfill with alternate colours on the colour 1 and colour 2 layers. Merge each frame layer to a colour layer.

Resize canvas to 500 wide (all layers ticked).

Copy and paste your tube as a new layer. Resize and position to your liking. Rename the layer tube.

Add a new raster layer and floodfill with the gold pattern. Select all, selection modify, contract by 2. Press the delete key. Selection modify, contract by 1, floodfill with the gold pattern. Selection modify, contract by 2 and press the delete key. Select none and rename the layer frame.

Add the © and your watermark as new layers.

Select your text tool and using your second font, add your name as a new layer using the gold pattern and the foreground and background.

Apply drop shadow at the following settings -

Merge the frame, tube, the ©, the watermark and name layers together. Duplicate. Collate your layers so that you have two sets of (from the bottom) background, hearts, tube which should look something like this -

Merge each set together so that you are left with two layers. Save as an Animation Shop .psp file.

Open your file in Animation Shop. Select the Edit menu - select all. Animation menu - frame properties. Change the number to 60. Save your file as a .gif file and you are done.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial!

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