Thursday, May 21, 2009



* Paint Shop Pro and Animation Shop. I used PSPX but you can make this tag in other versions.

* Tube of choice. I am using the artwork of Myka Jelina and you can purchase her images and tubes from CILM.

* VanDerLee's Unplugged Effects Filters. This is a free filter which you can download from HERE.

* Font of choice. I used Chocolate Box

* My Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow kit HERE.

* Mask by me HERE.


1. Open a new image 500 x 500 and floodfill with white.

2. From the scrapkit copy and paste paper01 to your canvas. Apply the mask and merge the group. Change the layer blend mode to darken. Duplicate this mask layer twice (so that you have 3 layers). Apply Unplugged Effect Laserrays to each layer, changing the Control for each layer. Layer 1 = 64, layer 2 = 54 and layer 3 = 44. Duplicate your white background so that you have three and merge a laser layer to each white layer.

3. Copy and paste the oval frame pieces that you want to use to the canvas. I used the frame01, goldframeback and pearlframeinsert02. Merge the frame pieces together and resize to 80% and sharpen. Image - Free Rotate - 90 degrees (direction doesn't matter).

4. Copy and paste your tube to the canvas. I resized to 80% and sharpened. Position the tube to your liking.

5. Copy and paste the gemstones you would like to use to the canvas. Position and size to your liking.

6. Open the doodles from the scrapkit. Shift D and close the original. Open the glitter tile you would like to use (I used glitter-02) and set this as your foreground colour in the materials palette and scale to 70%. Make your background black. Use your colour replace tool to glitter the doodles. Cut and paste the doodles you want to use to your canvas. I used the smallest one and the last one on the right side. For both doodles I resized to 80%, Image Free Rotate - 30 degrees Right and sharpened. The smaller one was positioned above the frame. The larger one was flipped and mirrored and dragged below the frame.

7. Apply drop shadow at the settings given below to the gem stones, the frame and the tube layers.

8. Use your preset shapes tool to draw out an ellipse to cover the frame. Activate your text tool using the following settings. I set #381c72 as the background colour on the Materials palette (foreground closed). Position your cursor at the edge of the flower decorations (if you have done your frame the same as mine) and type your name. Promote selection to layer and select none. Apply drop shadow using the same settings as before but change the colour to white.

9. Add copyright information and your watermark. Close off the three background layers and merge visible. Duplicate twice and merge each tube layer with a background layer and save as an Animation Shop .psp file.

10. Open your file in Animation Shop. Edit - Select all. Animation - Frame Properties - change to 60.

11. Save as a .gif file using the settings below and you are done. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. NOTE since changing to a widescreen digital monitor I have noticed that the Octree settings leave a noticeable background where the median cut doesn't. Experiment and choose what suits you best.

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