* A good knowledge of Paint Shop Pro (or similar).
* Tube of choice. I am using the art work of Joel Adams. You will need a license to use his art work. Tubes can be purchased from CILM.
* Bright and Beautiful Scrapkit (made by me) HERE and the Add On HERE.
* Font of choice - I am using Century Gothic.
1. Open a new image 500 x 500 with a white background.
2. Open the dotted frame from the Add On, duplicate and close the original. Select the inner ribbon that best compliments your tube and close the other ribbon layers off. Merge visible. Copy and paste to your canvas and resize to 80%. Sharpen using Unsharp Mask at the following settings. Copy the bow from the scrapkit that matches the inner ribbon you used. Resize to 80% and unsharp mask at the same settings. Position on your frame.
3. Open one of the papers from the scrap kit to use as your frame background (I used black). Set the paper as a pattern in your materials palette. Using your magic wand tool select the middle of the frame. Selections - Modify - Expand x 4. Add a new raster layer under the frame and floodfill with the paper pattern. Reduce layer opacity to 90%.
4. Copy and paste your tube to the canvas. Resize and sharpen if necessary. Position your tube and duplicate. Drag one tube below the frame layer and add drop shadow at the following settings. On the top tube layer carefully erase the parts of the tube that you want to look like they are under the frame. If you are using the same tube as I am, I erased the tip of her back wing.
5. Apply the same drop shadow to the frame and bow layers.
6. Open another one of the papers from the scrapkit and set it as the background pattern on the materials palette (I used purple). Close the foreground. Using your preset shape tool set on ellipse, draw out a circle the same size as your frame.
7. Activate your text tool and using the settings below as a guide, type the text you want around the outside of your circle. Add extra spaces between words to make the text even. Promote selection to layer. Drag this layer to just above your white background.
8. Drag your vector shape to just above the white background (below the text layer) and convert to raster. Apply Gaussian Blur at the settings below. Apply Blinds (Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds) at the following settings twice, once with the horizontal box ticked and once unticked.
9. Add your copyright information and watermark. Save as a jpeg and you are done. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
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