Thursday, May 21, 2009

In the Pink


* Paint Shop Pro. I used version 10 but you should be able to make this tag in any version.

* Tube of choice. I am using the artwork of Marjolein Gulinsky and you can purchase her tubes from My PSP Tubes

* My In The Pink Scrap kit HERE.

* Font of choice - I used Adine Kirnberg Script.

* Eye Candy Gradient Glow (can substitute white drop shadow).

* Glass filter of choice. I used Super Blade Pro (can substitute PSP inner bevel).

* Round mask of choice. I used Mask 208 from Weescottslass (click on navigate then downloads).


1. Open a new canvas 500 x 500 with a white background.

2. Copy and paste Paper01 from the scrap kit to your canvas and apply your mask. Merge group.

3. Copy and paste Frame2 from the scrap kit to your canvas.

4. Copy and paste your tube to the canvas. Place under your frame and resize and sharpen if necessary. If you want part of your tube to overlap the frame as I have, then duplicate the tube layer and place the copy above the frame. Carefully erase any parts of the top tube to reveal the frame. Make sure on both tube layers that none of your tube is outside the frame.

5. Close the white background layer and merge visible. Resize to 85% and sharpen if necessary. Duplicate and apply Gaussian Blur of 20 to the bottom layer. Change the blend mode for the blur layer to Darken. Open the background layer again. I moved my frame and blur layer slightly towards the bottom right of the canvas so there will be room to build up the frame with flowers. Be careful not to move it too much or it will show in your blur layer when you are done.

6. Now comes the fun part! Copy and paste the accents you want to decorate your frame with to the canvas. I used Flower Accents 1 and Gem accents. Select the items you want using your freehand selection tool and copy them as individual layers to the canvas. I started with the flower branch and resized to 80%. I placed in above my blur layer at the top of the canvas. I then copied each of the flowers to the canvas and resized to 80%. I duplicated the pink flower several times and resized in increments of 80% to get a variety of sizes and placed them around the frame. With the pearl strand I copied it to the canvas and placed it above the blur layer. It was duplicated several times and moved around by use of Flip and Mirror and Free Rotate to place bits of the beads around the frame. Excess beads were erased - be careful not to leave any half beads on your canvas. Finally the small pearl flower was copied to the canvas. I applied a light drop shadow to make it stand out more and duplicated it several times. I placed the flowers to fill any obvious gaps. Move your layers around so beads or flowers are showing through the transparent flowers. Once you are satisfied with your frame, merge visible.

7. Activate your text tool and type your name. I used Adine Kirnberg at size 100. Apply glass filter (or effect of choice). Apply Gradient Glow (or white drop shadow) using thin setting. Position your name to your liking.

8. Add copyright information and your watermark and you are done. I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial.

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