Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Black and White


* Paint Shop Pro. I used version 10 but you should be able to make this tag in earlier versions.

* Tube of choice. I am using the artwork of Popeye Wong and you can check out his site HERE. The tube I used is here.

* Scrap Kit by Melissa from Sentimental Style

* Font of choice - I used Two Peas Hearts Delight HERE (scroll down)

* Eyecandy Gradient Glow (can substitute a white drop shadow).

* You can download my supplies HERE.


1. Open your tube and scrap kit in PSP. Open your font (by double clicking on it in Windows Explorer) and minimise to use later.

2. Open a new image 450 x 450 with a white background. Add a new raster layer and floodfill with white. Resize to 90% and add drop shadow at the following settings.

3. Add a new raster layer. Activate your selection tool and click on Custom Selection.

4. Make a custom selection using the following settings -

5. Activate your scrap kit and select a paper to use (I used the one immediately under the ribbon). Copy the paper and paste it into the selection. Reduce the opacity of the layer to 80%.

6. Copy the ribbon from the scrap kit and paste as a new layer on your canvas. Copy and paste your tube to the canvas. Resize and sharpen if necessary (I resized to 70%). Add drop shadow to the ribbon and the tube at the settings given before. Position your tube to the left of the canvas.

7. Activate your paper layer and Selections - Select all - Float - Defloat - Invert. Click on your ribbon layer and press delete. Position your tube and your ribbon so that it looks like the girl is sitting on the ribbon.

8. Copy the film strip layer from the scrap kit and paste to your canvas. Image - mirror. Resize to 75%.

9. Open your tube again and mirror the image. Using your selection tool draw a rectangle around the head. Edit - copy.

10. Return to your filmstrip layer and use your magic wand to select one of the white squares. Edit - Paste into Selection. Repeat for the other white square. Select none. Adjust - Hue and Saturation - Colorize - set saturation at 0 and click OK. Add same drop shadow as before.

11. Activate your background layer and select your preset shapes tool. On your materials palette, set black as the foreground with the background turned off. Draw a rectangle using the following settings (line style is diamond). Your rectangle should touch the edges of the scrap paper used, with the diamonds slightly overlapping onto the colour. It may help to hide your other layers so that you can see what you are doing.

12. Convert your rectangle to a raster layer and apply Eyecandy Gradient Glow using the thin colour. (You can substitute a white drop shadow with V and H 2 opacity 60 and blur 6 then repeat with V and H -2.) Drag this layer above your ribbon layer.

13. Copy the clips layer from your scrap kit to your canvas. Use your selection tool to trace around the paper clips (you don't want) and press delete so that you only have the round clip with the beads. Make sure all your layers are visible and move the clip so that it looks like it will hold the film strip in place. Duplicate the clip layer and move it so there is one copy above the filmstrip layer and and one below the ribbon layer. Add the same drop shadow as before to the bottom clip layer. Activate the top clip layer and select your eraser tool. Carefully erase the outer part of the clip using my tag as a guide.

14. Copy the buttons layer from the scrap kit and paste to your canvas. Use your selection tool to trace around the blank rectangular button, Selection - invert - press delete. Move the button to the top right of your canvas as shown in the top example. Add the same drop shadow as before.

15. Select your text tool and the font you want to use. On your materials palette have black as the background with the foreground closed off. Type your name using the following settings.

16. Convert your text vector to a raster layer. Apply Eyecandy Gradient Glow at the same settings as before (or the same white drop shadow as before).

17. Add copyright information and your watermark.

18. Save as a .jpg file and you are done. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.

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