Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Blue Heart Bling


* Paint Shop Pro. I used version 10 but you should be able to make this tag in earlier versions.

* Animation Shop.

* Tube of choice. I am using the artwork of Myka Jelina and you can purchase her art at CILM

* Small flower tube.

* Font of choice - I used International Palms.

* Xero Tekstya filter (can substitute PSP texture). HERE.

* Eyecandy Glass filter (can substitute PSP inner bevel).

* Filters Unlimited (can substitute a smoky brush or leave it out).

* Colourized bling tube. I'm using the Rotating Heart bling by Nms Tutorials. I colourized the bling using a script from RobertaDesignzNI.

* Brushes of choice - I used the Flutterby set from Creatively Bound.

* Gingham pattern tile (tile made by me - right click and save).

* You can download my supplies HERE. Included are the flower tube used in this tutorial, the gingham pattern and the colourized bling tube.


Set up your supplies ready for use ie you want your tubes and pattern open in PSP. Import your brushes. Install any fonts or plug-ins and restart PSP if necessary.

Select a dominant colour (preferably dark) from your tube. If you are using a different tube to the one in the tutorial, the flower, the pattern and the bling can be colourized to match. Adjust - Hue and Saturation - Colourize.

Open a new image 500 x 400. Choose two complimentary colours from your tube, one light (I used #f6f9ff) and one dark (I used #000040). Have your dark colour as the foreground and the light as the background. Change the foreground on the material palette to gradient and find the Foreground-Background gradient. Make the gradient style linear with no repeats and angle at 0.

Floodfill your canvas with your light colour (background). Apply Filters Unlimited - Special Effects 2 - Centerspot at default settings.

Add a new raster layer and floodfill with your dark colour. Select all - selection modify - contract by 8 and press delete. While still selected, selection modify - contract by 24. Floodfill the area still selected with your dark colour again and selection modify - contract by 4. Press delete. Select none. Select all - selection float - selection defloat. Apply Eyecandy Glass at the following settings. Rename the layer frame.

Activate the background layer again and add a new raster layer. Change your foreground to pattern and click in the pattern box. Scroll to the top of the patterns thumbnails and find the gingham pattern and click on it.

Floodfill the new raster layer with the gingham pattern. Select all - selection modify - contract by 33. Press delete. Selection invert. Apply Xero Tekstya at the following settings.

Make sure your frame layer is on top and merge the frame and gingham layers together.

Activate your flower tube. Colourize it to match your tube if you haven't already. Copy and paste it to your canvas as a new layer. Position the flower on one of the inner corners of the frame (see example at top of page). Duplicate and mirror. Merge the two flower layers together. Duplicate and flip. Merge the two flower layers and the frame together.

Copy and paste your tube as a new layer. Resize if necessary (I resized 70%). If your tube is blurry sharpen it ie Adjust - Sharpness - sharpen. Position your tube on the left of your canvas. Add your copyright information and watermark close to the tube. Merge your tube and copyright layers to the frame layer.

Change your foreground and background to the foreground background gradient. Select your text tool. Type your name using the following settings.

While still selected, apply Eyecandy Glass at the same settings as before. Position the text about half way down the canvas as shown below. Select none.

Select your brush tool and find the brush you want to use. I used Flutterby 5. Activate your background layer and with your materials palette still set on the gradient, apply your brush around the edges of the frame (see example at top of page). Use the rotation setting to change the aspect of your brush as you go around your canvas.

Merge visible layers and save as an Animation Shop .psp file.

Open your base image and your bling tube in Animation Shop. Duplicate the frames in your base image to match the number in your bling tube. Have your bling tube at the top of your workspace and your base image at the bottom. For each animation, make sure they are showing frame 1 then Edit - select all. Make sure the propogate paste button is activated.

Click on the first frame of your bling and with the mouse button held down, position the bling where you want it on your canvas. Do not let go until you have it in the right place. View your animation and if you think it is running backwards, make sure all frames are selected and select Animation - reverse frames.

When you are satisfied with the position of your bling, save as a .gif and you are done. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.

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