Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Pink Roses


* A good knowledge of Paint Shop Pro (or similar).
* Tubes of choice. This tag needs a main tube and a flower (or other object) tube for the background. I am using the art work of Italia Ruotolo. You will need a license to use this art work and tubes can be purchased from MtA.
* Gold Bead pattern tile and pink gradient (made by me in PSPX) DOWNLOAD HERE.
* Font of choice - I am using Bickham Script.
* Eye Candy Gradient Glow

Lets Start

1. Install your gradient ready for use (save to My PSP Files - Gradients). Open your tubes and gold bead pattern in PSP. Open a new image 500 x 500 with a white background.

2. Using your selection tool, create a custom selection using the following settings -

3. Add a new raster layer and floodfill with your gradient at the settings shown below. Duplicate the layer. Deselect and apply a Gaussian Blur of 20 to the bottom layer. Apply Blinds (Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds) to this layer using the settings below -

4. Activate your top gradient layer and apply sunburst (Effects - Illumination Effects - Sunburst) at the settings below -

5. Add a new raster layer. Using the same custom selection as before, floodfill with the gold bead pattern, Selections - Modify - Contract by 3 and hit the delete key. Deselect and apply drop shadow at the settings below -

6. Copy and paste your flower tube to the canvas and resize to 80%. Position to your liking. Create the same custom selection as before and invert. Hit the delete key. Change the layer blend mode to Lighten (or your preferred blend). Select none and drag this layer below the gold frame.

7. Copy and paste your main tube to the canvas and resize to 80%. Sharpen if necessary. Position to your liking and duplicate. Apply the same drop shadow as before to the bottom tube layer. Drag the top tube layer above the frame and using your Selection tool roughly select the part of the tube that covers the top of the frame. Invert the selection and delete the excess.

8. Using the settings given below, add your text to the canvas. I used #d64179 for the foreground and background colour. Apply drop shadow but change V to 1, H to -1 and Blur to 1. Apply Gradient Glow to highlight your text on the canvas. I used a glow width of 10 and opacity 45.

9. Add your copyright information and watermark. Save as a jpeg and you are done. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.

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