Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Blue Noise


* Paint Shop Pro and Animation Shop (or similar programs)

* Tube of choice - I have used the artwork of Caron Vinson and you can purchase her work from CILM

* Crop Circles Ding Font HERE

* Font of choice

* DSB Flux Bright Noise Filter (can substitute PSP Noise) HERE

* Two Moon RotoBlades and Vertical Ripplie Filters HERE


Set up your supplies ready for use. Install any fonts or plug-ins and restart PSP if necessary. Have your tube open in PSP.

Open a new image 500 x 500 with a white background. Choose two complimentary colours from your tube, one dark one light (I used #6ebeea and #c3e9f0). Select your text tool and with the following settings, type one of the dings (I used e).

Stretch out your vector as shown below. The finished shape should be wider than it is tall.

Convert your vector to a raster. Add a new raster layer and drag it beneath your shape. Return to your shape layer and using your magic wand tool on the following settings, select all the blank spaces inside your shape.

Activate your blank layer and Selections - Modify - Expand by 2. Floodfill the selections with your light colour (or another complimentary colour - I used #addeec). Apply Two Moon RotoBlades Filter at the following settings. Select none.

Activate your original ding shape layer and apply drop shadow at the following settings. Merge your two shape layers and apply the drop shadow again.

Duplicate the shape layer so you have a total of three shape layers. Close off the two duplicate layers and using your magic wand tool, select the light colour in the middle of the ding shape on your bottom shape layer. Apply DSB Flux Bright Noise Filter at the following settings to each layer, making sure you click on Mix to change the noise position for each layer.

Activate the white background layer and promote to a raster layer (right click - promote background layer). Activate your Preset Shapes tool at the following settings and draw out a rectangle using the example at the top of the page as a guide. Use the dark colour you used for your ding as the foreground with the background turned off. Convert to raster layer.

Add a new raster layer and pull below the frame you just made. Use your magic wand and click inside the frame. Selections - Modify - Expand by 2. Activate the new raster layer and floodfill the selection with the light colour you used in your ding. Apply Two Moon Vertical Ripplie at the following settings. Select none.

Select your frame layer. At this point you can add a filter effect to your frame if you would like to (I used Super Blade Pro with a clear glass preset) but it looks just as good plain. Add the same drop shadow as before and merge the frame, the Ripplie layer and the white background layer together. Duplicate this layer so that you have three. Merge each shape layer with a background layer so that you have three layers left.

Copy and paste your tube as a new layer. Resize and sharpen if necessary (I resized to 60%). Position your tube (and any accent tubes you want to use) and apply the same drop shadow as before. If you have used more than one tube, merge your tube layers together. Duplicate your tube layer and merge to each of the background layers.

Activate your text tool and add your name in a font of your choice. Use the dark colour that you used for the frame. If you applied an effect to the frame, apply it to your name. Apply the same drop shadow as before. Duplicate the name layer and merge to each background layer. Repeat this process for your copyright information and watermark. Crop your canvas to remove any unwanted white background. Save as an Animation Shop .psp file.

Open your image in Animation Shop and save as a .gif file and you are done. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.

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